Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sheet Quilt Update

I have made some modifications to my sheet quilt. I took the "orangie-red" out. Although it added the punch it needed, it just did not go in my room. Too orange.

(I took this picture outside and it looks very washed out - sorry!)

So, I then was back to square one of needing something to give it some punch. While cleaning out my linen closet I found the green gingham pillowcases I got on a clearance rack years ago. I bought them for my daughters room, not realizing they were king size cases, and never got around to shortening them. I decided they needed to be sacrificed for my sheet quilt.

I think it adds just enough color and something to contrast all the roses.

Working with all different thread counts and fabric contents on this quilt has been a nightmare. I had to go back and trim every block to square them all up. That then resulted in the quilt being smaller than I had originally planned (but I did not even think about that fact until I had sewn all the blocks together, and trimmed the points off to straighten the sides - too late to just make the rows a little longer and add an extra row - mind fart!!)

So now I have to add a border to make it big enough to fit my bed. I found this perfect aqua sheet yesterday to use as the border.

So excited to have found just what I was looking for (at a good price too - $3.50 for a king size flat sheet - 100% cotton too ) I quickly sewed the 2 long sides on only to find out that I had once again pulled too tight when aligning the border and quilt and ended up with a "ruffely" border.


Does anyone have a suggestion on how to prevent this?

I guess I could pin, but that never seems to work so well for me either. So I took both sides off and will have to try again. The problem is that the way the edges of the quilt are trimmed I have all bias squares on the edges and they tend to stretch, and I am afraid that now that I have sewn them on and taken them off I may have pulled them causing another problem.

I am thinking about quilting the entire zig zag section - leaving the backing and batting larger on all sides to accomodate the borders and then sewing them on after the center is quilted to eliminate the pulling effect of the border and the bias sides.

I would really appreciate any suggestion that may be out there in blogland.

Well, I am off this evening to the lake to do some cleaning, planting and general getting the place ready for the season tomorrow. The weather is suppose to be gorgeous, and I will have uninterrupted time all to myself. I am in serious need of that right now!!!

I plan to also bring this book I just started...

And a few of these...

to enjoy the sunset by tonight! On second thought maybe I will pass on the cleaning tomorrow!!!

I will be back tomorrow evening and will worry then about how to finish my quilt.


Sarah and Jack said...

Wish I could help with your wavy problem, but I think's it probably inherent when you are using different types of fabrics?

I hadnt realized how lucky I was to have chosen sheets that were all the same maker.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

wavy issue. I used to never do this, but, I do now. you measure from the center length wise and center width wise. once you have that number, cut two lengths, and your two widths. find the middle of your quilt length, and middle of your length strip, and pin it. I know pining takes longer, but, you don't need very many. line you start up,and easy in the first half, get to the pin, and then ease in the second half. If you need to pin it more, then do so. that way your two lengths will end up being the same length. hence no wavys...
then do the same to the widths. otherwise you'll never get rid of the waves....
I like the blue border on it, it's very soft, and gives it the punch you are looking for! nice choice!

Elizabeth said...

If you're getting wavy seams when sewing vintage linens in particular, changing the type of needle you're using can work wonders. With vintage linens (which are often finer weave and include polyester) I like to use Microtex/Sharp needles. Also, if you're using lower-end thread, you may want to use switch to something a little nicer -- It really does make a difference.

Good luck!

Emily said...

I love this quilt pattern...so easy and so pretty. I've made several like this!