Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Giveaway Day!!!

(This text is being added on 5/28... "I am blown away by the number of entries I have already received to this giveaway. If you are here to enter, this is the post you need to enter in. See below for entry rules. I hope if you come here to enter, that you will come back regularily, add me to your favorites list or sign up to follow this blog. You can do that by clicking the button on the sidebar. I have already added some of the commenters to my favorite blog list, and am sure I will be adding more when I get through all the comments and check out everyone's blogs.)

Giveaway day has finally arrived. If you don't know what I'm talking about, click on the Giveaway Day button on my side bar. But in a nutshell, Sew Mama Sew is organizing a day where anyone in blogland can offer to give something away. You can get the list of those participating at her blog.

I am so excited, I can't wait to see what wonderful treasures people are giving away, and hopefully win something myself.

I too am participating in the Giveaway Day. I am giving away fat quarters of my vintage sheet stock. There will be at least 10 in the package along with some smaller pieces of some of my favorites that I no longer have fat quarters left of. The picture below is just of the 6 I had cut already to put into this post - there was a deadline for getting your post in and as usual I am running behind.
In order to enter, just leave me a comment on this post with your favorite way to get your "Creative Juices" flowing. What gets you inspired to create?

I can't wait to see what inspires you to create all the wonderful things I have seen you make.

The winner of the fat quarters will be chosen via a random drawing on June 1.

There will be a second place winner, that will receive a surprise gift. The criteria for winning the second prize is the posting that most inspires me! Yes, I know it is subjection-able critera for a contest, but hay, it is my give away!

When you leave your comment, make sure that you provide a way for me to get back in touch with you if you win, email address, blogaddress, etc...

I unfortunately can not ship internationally. You can enter up through midnight on May 31.


Be sure to check out Sew Mama Sew for the list of other great giveaways going on in the next couple of days...


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Jennadesigns said...

Ooh... I'm the first to comment! Good luck to everyone else!

My favorite way to get inspired it to clean my studio. The act of organizing and folding fabric and notions just gives me more and more ideas. By the time it's clean, I'm itching to make something!

Fatty said...

I love vintage sheets! I started using them mixed in with regular cottons. I get inspired by browsing around Flickr or reading my favorite blogs, there are so many crafty folks out there, so inspring!

Leah said...

I love this fabric! I get so inspired by browsing blogs to see what others have made. Often I see something I love and really want to try-- and my project list is getting so long!!

The Home Ec Teachers Daugter said...

Ive been looking for vintage sheets and had no luck. To get my Creative Juices going I turn on the tunes and look through the many many books magazines and blogs i love so much!

Jessica said...

Oh, these are great, thanks! My favorite way to get inspired is by reading blogs, believe it or not. Also, going through my fabric stash is sometimes enough to get me moving!

Terri said...

Fabric inspires me always, but sometimes a small piece of string or a button can to. Just depends. I am facinated by everything I have some across on etsy as well as bloggerland.

I have been trying to fins fabric like this, I would love to create something with it.
Thanks for the chance to win

two hippos said...

I get inspired by going through my bookmarked webpages and wanting to make something I've loved.

I'm doing a giveaway as well and hosting a fabric swap. Come and check it out :)

Charissa said...

A deadline. :-) I'm usually pushing my creative juices to the max about 10 minutes before I have to walk out the door with the gift I'm making.

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! I love looking at blogs and Flickr to get creative inspiration.

Crystal said...

I get inspired by other people creative blogs. I love seeing others projects.

rachellake said...

I'm always so inspired by blogs and flickr. I love sewing with vintage sheets! thanks for the giveaway :)

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I love vintage sheets. Sometimes the fabric just speaks to me. Other times strange ideas just pop into my head.

Unknown said...

I take a look through the inspirations I've tagged through delicious and I just start digging through my stash.

Jingle said...

I like to turn on some crazy fun music and just start playing with my supplies. Literally sorting, organizing, and just exploring my stash gets me moving!

Jessica @ Sunny Tuesday said...

I have a storage unit that I've covered with a vintage thrifted sheet. Any time I come across items that inpire me, I place them on top and it now serves as my inspiration table. :) Also, oddly enough, a clean house gets me motivated to start crafting.

Amy said...

I love the uniqueness of your giveaway, but also the idea of a game quilt. Hmmmm...

Jen said...

i look at blogs for inspiration!

Jerri said...

Sitting and looking at my fabric scraps reminds me of old projects and sparks ideas of new ones. I love your Backgammon game!

Kristi said...

Good luck to everyone! My inspiration for creativity is usually reading about what everyone else has done! Nothing like seeing other beautiful projects to get me started.

Amelia said...

I get inspired by a lot of things, but the one that actually gets me to sit down and complete a project or two is when I participate in a gift swap with my on-line buddies. They are so creative and funny and talented that I'm forced to raise my bar, get out of my comfort zone, and really think of something new. Otherwise I'm just lazy. And if you knew how lazy I really am, you would know how truly inspirational this story is.

Unknown said...

I have been dying to do a project with vintage sheets and am trying to build up my stash! My favorite way to get inspired is definitely browsing around on Flickr, followed closely by using/enjoying already-finished quilts.


Liz said...

I love to read blogs like yours! I troll around the sewing blogosphere until I hit upon something that gets my creative engine revving. (not hard at all since there are so many talented people out there!)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sha nay nay said...

to get me inspired, I like to look at other's work and figure out how I would do it differently, or find something I'd like to use that I've never seen or don't have that I can make!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fabric. I would love to be included!

Megan said...

Oh my goodness, how lovely! I find it so inspiring to read others' blogs. Someone is always making something wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Lovely prints! Right now, getting inspired is about having time. As a new mama that works full time outside of the home, crafting time is precious to me. It's the one thing I do for myself (and really for others since I make stuff to give to friends and family). So I get inspired when I realize the baby is napping, the husband is playing on his computer, and the fabric is calling. So I guess inspiration is really about opportunity right now!

Jenny said...

I love to watch movies with great colors. For me Amelie always gets me thinking of something creative to make.

Sara said...

My go-to choice for inspiration is to browse Flickr's "I Made It Myself" photo pool. There is no shortage of fantastic and creative projects there!

Anonymous said...

I get my creative juices flowing by browing Etsy and my favorite craft blogs. I see such beautiful work, and can't wait to try to make it myself.

Jenna Z said...

A stroll along Flickr usually gets we rarin' to go at a new quilt or project! So many inspiring ideas and you know they were done by regular people like yourself.

Sara said...

My favorite way to get inspired is to attend a quilt show or look at quilting blogs...

Holly said...

My best inspiration comes from the internet - I am a craft blog addict!!!

Evelyn said...

Oh, nice give-away - I love vintage sheets!! I'm almost done with a zigzag quilt made with all vintage linens (check it out on my blog). (I'm having a thrifted linens giveaway too!)

I'm with everyone else - I love to get inspiration from other crafty blogs!

Susan said...

I get a lot of inspiration from other quilt blogs! The best part of Giveaway Day is finding so many wonderful new blogs to read! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jessica said...

cleaning my sewing room always does it for me. I start to clean and end up making more messes with a new project!

Mama Lusco said...

I love vintage sheets and pillowcases...thanks for the fun giveaway. I get inspired by looking at others creations online.

pippinsequim said...

I like to look at fabrics and look through pattern books to get ideas. I guess I don't have too much trouble finding stuff to do, though... usually I fi9nish things so slowly that when new ideas strike, they just get tacked on to the long list.

Emily said...

I have made several quilts from vintage bed linens...I just finished my new favorite last week made from sheets that belonged to my mom when she was a little girl. Check out my blog for pics!! I get creative juices flowing by looking for pretty fabrics!!

Raspberry said...

Inspiration is either from amazing fabrics or amazing designs. Not hard, I know, but then it's easy to draw me away from what raelly needs to get done. Those dratted dishes. :)
rae_sunshine4 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

what inspires me to create? looking at everyone else's projects until i can't stand not to dive into my own! and all those little enticing pictures in decor magazines... reading... reading gets me relaxed and feeling creative, too. this is so fun, the giveaway day! thanks so much!

RebekahP said...

i am addicted to fat quarters!! i think they are what get my juices flowing... i think of all the ways i can use them for different projects.

Mendi said...

I get my creative juices going by looking to older quilts

Victoria van der Laan said...

The materials are almost always what spark my creativity. I just want to jump in and release their potential! Especially vintage sheets ;).


Unknown said...

I like to get inspired by browsing sewing books, blogs, and stashes of fabric.

Anonymous said...

I just have to look at my cute grand-daughters to be inspired, but sometimes I read other blogs too. Hehe.

melonkelli said...

Getting out my sketchbook and clipping file.

kate said...

Lovely fabrics!

I am inspired by other creative people; I daily browse several flickr groups. And then, I must have MUSIC on when I sew. all the way. :)

Jennwith4 said...

Browsing pics of crafty blogs or tutorials gets me in the mood to make things.

nanann said...

Actually, I think reading too many blogs at once gets me super-inspired to get me off my butt and start sewing! Because otherwise I get depressed at How Much everyone else is doing and I'm not.

Thanks for doing the give-away!

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

My favorite way to get my creative juices flowing is fabric shopping! Thanks for the great give away. If you get a chance stop by, I'm having one too.

Anya said...

Sewing with my friends gets me inspired. Thanks for the chance.

Jen said...

i get my juices flowing by looking around online at my *way too long* list of crafty blogs or at flickr photos!! gorgeous sheets!!!

Eema-le said...

I LOVE vintage sheets. Going to the thrift store really gets me thinking about new projects. I love the challenge of working with something old, to make it new.

Tanya said...

Great giveaway! Here are my inspirations (in order):
1. Go to the fabric store and gaze around, feel the fabrics and just enjoy!
2. Read sewing/fabric blogs.
3. View others creations on sewing forums.
4. Hunt out some new patterns/tutorials.
5. If I can't get out to shop, go online and browse online shops!

Lara said...

What fun vintage fabrics! I recently took some unwanted sheets of my grandma's just because I liked the fabrics. My mom looked at me like I was a little nutty. lol.

Reading blogs and seeing other people's projects always makes me want to start making. I also love to look at my books and crafting supplies and imagine the possibilities.

Anonymous said...

love your vintage sheet fat quarters. such a great idea. I think fabric is my greatest source of inspiration. It talks to me. I also love reading great blogs and doing cool tutorials I run across.

Lise said...

Thank you for the chance! I love vintage sheets. Favorite ways to get inspired...browsing crafty blogs, reading crafty books, checking out thrift stores, and watching people on the street.

Y said...

When I look at websites like and see so many creative projects, it inspires me to create!

Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

What a great giveaway. I love vintage fabrics of all kinds.

One way I find ispiration is to walk around out in our garden. We have lots of colors, textures, and smells along with a variety of critters that visit. I can usually sit there & have something pop into my head.

Another is just the act of checking out all of these talented bloggers. I had an epiphany today when I saw a piece of fabric that another blogger was giving away today. She asked what we would do with it. By the time I was done staring at it, I had envisioned two gifts for my best friend's wedding.

Thank you for the drawing!

Kat said...

What a great giveaway! To get creative, I like to limit my possibilities. Sometimes being able to do anything is too much. For example, I like to look at a certain scrap and decide how I can use it. Some really cool stuff has resulted!

Sally said...

What gets me inspired to create? Seeing what other people have created! It makes me want to try things that I never would have thought of trying

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I get inspired by looking at quilting books or magazines. And I get inspired by a new birth of a baby...thanks!

The Shumate Family said...

I am inspired by so many things... other bloggers, nature, my children... so many resources, so little time...

Laura said...

Blogs and flickr are my favorite ways to get inspired.

Anna said...

my two daughters inspire me to make all sorts of great stuff.

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting - I've just started collecting vintage linens! Blogs are definitely my inspiration - people are so incredibly creative, and seeing that my fellow ordinary everyday sistas can do such cool stuff inspires me to do cool stuff, too!

Me? A Mom? said...

Vintage sheets! ::drool::

I'm most inspired when my fabric is neatly folded and organized by color. I know, i'm a dork like that!!

Sara said...

love these!
one way i get "creative juices" flowing is to look at pictures... another is to chat with my boyfriend - he always comes up with great crafty ideas even though he says he is afraid of sewing needles...

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Such lovely fabric in your photo!
I get creative inspiration from going through my stash, my book and pattern collection and also from blogs that I read.

Miss Peyton said...

Beautiful give-away! I get creative by seeing other's creative give-aways and home/handmade items!

RachelJ said...

I get inspired by looking at all the beautiful things that other people make and by shopping for new fabrics.
mom0ja at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

Hmmm... I would say looking at other crafty blogs. I have a ton of places bookmarked, and I follow another bunch that I follow with google reader. But I can only look until the juices are flowing, much after that it just stresses me out.

Knitlee said...

Oh boy! This is great.
I love to look at get ideas for color and textures! I have just discovered the thrill of finding great vintage sheets!

Anita said...

Reading blogs and seeing the great, creative things that other people are making gets me inspired.

Meg said...

Currently, not having a job inspires me to create! LOL I have to have something to do!

Leigh said...

fabulous! I love the colors together already! I get really inspired just looking at and touching fabric. My mind just starts racing with things I could make...

Barbara said...

I am newer to sewing and quilting so to get inspired I look through blogs and websites. If I see something I like, I bookmark it to go back to later. Then when I am looking for a new project, I just flip through until something catches my eye. There are soo many great people out there doing great things. I know i will never run out of inspiration. Here's to another bookmarked blog!

azteclady said...

What a wonderful giveaway!

I love blog hopping through crafty blogs--you guys have such wonderful ideas for things to make!

I've seen everything from facial tissue holders to tea wallets to tote bags to book covers.. and so many more!

I only wish I were better at making them myself! But ah well, practice, right?

Thank you for the chance to win yours!

azteclady1 at gmail dot com

Jenny H said...

My favorite way to get inspired is to look at what great things others have done, blogs or books, they both work!

craftytammie said...

I get inspired every day on my fave sewing blogs! I would probably get a lot more sewn if I quit reading and got to work though!

Lane said...

colors inspire me as do patterns in nature!

ChrisC said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I have an inspiration board that helps me get my creative juices flowing. I post pictures there of clothes I love that I'd like to steal ideas from, color combos, etc. Whenever I need some inspiration, there it is :-)

Anonymous said...

I am inspired by the many wonderful sewing/quilting blogs I read on a daily basis.

Stefanie Jane said...

I love to get inspired by my lovely boyfriend, who seems to always benefit from everything I create, the lucky duck.

Fish in Training said...

Beautiful! Most of my inspiration comes from the fabric store... wandering the aisles and thinking about all the beautiful things I could make!

Unknown said...

new fabric collections always inspire me.


jzuchows at princeton dot edu

amymarie said...

junking/thrifting and blog hopping usually help me to get my creative juices going.
those fabrics look lovely! thanks for the opportunity.

:o) amymarie630[at]hotmail[dot]com

Kelli Ward said...

looking at others amazing work always gets my creative juices going.
this fabric is awesome!

Jennifer said...

Reading blogs definitely gets me ready to sew. There are so many great ideas out there; my to-do list is huge! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jen said...

I like to look at JC Penney catalogs in the children & baby bedding sections for inspiration. I get an idea and then make it my own.
Thanks for a chance to win.

Raheli said...

My favorite way of getting inspired is looking at other people's blogs.
My most realistic/common way of getting started is a deadline. Birthdays, weddings... I've got a bazillion ideas, but I'll probably get started with my project about 1-hour-too-few before I need to leave. Oops. Good think I already picked out my outfit.

Lisa said...

I enjoy seeing the eyes and faces of those who receive my homemade things! I LOVE to give cross stitched baby bibs, but as I am aging, so our my baby bearing friends!

Last christmas I gave all my friends hand painted flower pots. I painted snow families on them - one for each family member and put their name on a sign in the ground by the family. I just think getting and giving homemade gifts have love wrapped inside of them. I like to share love! Sappy, but true! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Unknown said...

I love being outside in nature. Plus, sitting in an office all day always makes me eager to create once I get home.

affectioknit said...

What a great giveaway - I'm inspired by the colors and patterns that I see in fabric...

Adventures said...

I would have to say my creative way to get ideas moving is organizing all my patterns and looking at what fabric I have. Sometimes I design my own stuff that way. :)

bashtree said...

I see some cute decorative quilted pillows for the light and airy guest room. Lovely!!

Diane said...

Reading blogs or visiting my local quilt shops helps get my juices flowing! I think getting new fabric is inspiring too! Thanks for having this giveeaway!

Samantha said...

Such lovely vintage fabric! To get my creative juices flowing, I like to visit Thanks for the chance to win!

emerzim said...

Lately I've been inspired by looking at my daughter's old clothes and figuring out what else I can do with them.

Robyn said...

when I really want to get my head in the game I make myself a cup of chai... the process of cooking the herbs and boiling the milk and brewing the tea over the stove can be very meditative... and sitting down and drinking it is pretty good too!!

Kenton and Marianne Ogg said...

I love those fat quarters! I get inspired when I go to my quilt store(i'm a quilter). There's not usually a pattern I am after or specifics, I just go with flo. I usually start with the fabric, and let it do the "talking". I start with a bolt or two, and before I leave I have a good stash and a an idea or two of what I'm doing with it. I go off the fabric and what I think it should be made into. said...

Vintage sheets! I always feel so good when I can cute vintage sheets in a project!

Ali said...

things always just pop into my head at the most random times! and then I just have to get them done.

Grace said...

What gets me going is seeing other peoples great projects. Love vintage sheets. My MIL has tons that she still uses on the beds - they are soooo soft.

Shannon said...

My favorite way to get inspired is to make piles of fabric. I like to pull together different combinations and see what I come up with.

Amy said...

I get inspired by looking at other people's work. When I spend time running around blog land I end up with a ton of ideas running around my mind lol. I love the fabric you are willing to part with! Thank you for this giveaway!

Jen said...

finding cute fabric or ribbons, then sitting down in front of them gets me all excited and full of possibilities!

maisiesmom at gmail

Autumn said...

I get inspired by reading others people's blogs and taking something and changing it to make it unique.

Great giveaway! Thanks for offering it.

Aimee said...

What inspires my creative juices.....that is kind of a tough question. Sometimes it's just looking at fabric, sometimes it's blogs or magazines, sometimes it's memories of things my grandmothers or mother made or just events from my childhood. And sometimes my inspiration comes while I'm standing in the shower or trying to sleep. My biggest problem is finding the time to bring my inspirations into reality.

Deirdre said...

My favorite way to get my juices flowing is to turn on teh radio to my favorite station, sit down amongst all my fabrics with graph paper and start drawing! Those drawings eventually turn into some sort of quilt pattern. Fun fun!

Anonymous said...

I get inspired by being outdoors Nature is inspiring.

Linda J. said...

Vintage sheets are great! One of my favorite inspiration "places" is our local museum. They have great displays of old crafts etc. Trying to figure out "how'd she do that" is half the fun! Vintage craft/sewing books are great too. Sometimes I can find them at the local library. My librarin knows me well :-)

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Picking out patterns and fabrics for a new project always gets me excited!

Holly said...

I admit I have sometime thought "what's the big deal about vintage sheets?" But when I see them stacked together, they look so pretty all together. And that gets me to my inspiration: I love seeing pictures of how other people put fabrics together, b/c I'm not very good at it myself!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, lovely! That fabric looks so soft- I'd love to feel it.

I get inspired by browsing fabric shops. I like the small, quint shops in my area, and it's fun to stop by and chat with all the girls in there. Show and tell is always inspiring!

sb said...

I'm also inspired by blogs. I can't believe how many talented people there are out in blogland and what great ideas they have!

KristenL said...

Ah, I love vintage.

So what inspires me to create? Probably browsing blogs and seeing something fabulous. I get so excited to try new things and there are so many creative people out there! Then when I find the perfect fabric, I can really put my inspiration to work.

Thanks for doing a giveaway!

Liz B. said...

What great fabrics! I have recently become addicted to quilting and it entirely because of all the different quilting groups on Flickr. I took a quilting class a while back and wasn't thrilled, but later realized it was because of the very traditional style we used. I am in LOVE with all the modern designs and fabrics out there, and Flickr is such a great way to see them. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway!

Sue said...

All it takes for the creative juices to flowing is seeing a pattern or a little dress that I want to make for my granddaughter! Then watch out!!!!

Ayelet said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win (if I win, I do have a US mailing address...)

My creative inspirations work especially before I fall asleep...That is the best time for me to think and design crafty stuff...

Anonymous said...

I love looking at blogs to get my creative juices flowing. I'm always inspired (and amazed) by what other people do. I've also taken to writing morning pages- that's 3 pages of stream of consciousness journaling first thing when I wake up. That helps clear the mind of the emotional clutter and allows you to focus on being creative.

Thanks for offering up such a great prize!

Lorene said...

My favorite way to get the creative juices flowing? Knowing that my kids are cared for and safe, and that I have time to focus and create! I can relax... Thanks for participating in the giveaway!

Leigh said...

I am LOVING all these vintage sheets I'm seeing lately! SO cool! I'm inspired by wandering through the thrift store, fabric store, or if I've got a sleeping baby on my lap, blogs!

hcotten said...

My favorite way to get my juices flowing is to go into my favorite fabric store.

Katie B said...

Great giveaway! I'm most inspired by looking at other people's blogs and Etsy!

Jocelyn said...

Thanks for a chance for your giveaway.

Pauline said...

Love the vintage! I would have to make a quilt from those. My favorite way to get my juices going is to go to a fabric shop and touch fabric, and also look at quilts other people are doing.

Unknown said...

My favorite way to get my creative juices flowing is to check out my favorite blogs!! So many ideas, and thoughts that go through my mind when I see what others make! Thanks for the chance to win!!

A Joyful Chaos said...

What a sweet giveaway! I am already dreaming of all the things I could do if I should happen to be the lucky winner.

Nik said...

my favorite way to get inspired is to search flickr. i search projects i'm interested in completing, fabric stashes or just creative workspaces. So many inspiring photos!


Bonnita said...

If I go sorting through my stash, it stirs up my creativity, and reminds me of why I bought what I bought. Make sense?

stitchernow said...

To get inspired to cook, I thumb through my cookbooks. To get inspired to quilt, I read quilting blogs. I will admit that somethimes it backfires when I am awe-struck by the works of very talented quilters. Usually get me right over to my stash.

Ali said...

I'm inspired by music, by what's around me, by seeing what other people have created, and really late at night when my mind has a chance to calm down and wander.

Sara said...

When I need inspiration, I try to embark on a super fast craft. Something like coasters, a child skirt - something quick and dirty. That way I get the juices flowing and feel like I've accomplished something!

Rachel said...

I am working on getting inspired now! Reading others blogs and seeing all the fun things they make helps me get going. Also setting up a new studio to see all my stuff will help along with getting a couple friends to come over for fun projects to work on together is a fun way to get going too!

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! Watching my mommy sew inspires me to create.

I am 8. I am learning how to sew. I have been doing some embroidery stitches. My 6 year old brother is learning some too. I hope to be on the machine before the end of summer. There are pictures of both of us sewing together and of our projects on my blog. Further down in previous posts, I also have pictures of my family, mom, dad, 15 month brother and other brother and sister. We homeschool.

I am having a giveaway as well at

and so is my mom at

Megan said...

Fabric shopping gets me inspired to create -- I LOVE finding just the perfect, irresistable fabrics and thinking up what I can make with them.

Thanks for the opportunity! Megan

Anonymous said...

Oh, those are beautiful. Truth be told, vintage sheets *are* what gets my creative juices going! Finding them, hanging them on the line, and transforming them into something new. They just beg to be used!

Kim H said...

My favorite way to get the "creative juices" flowing is to attend a quilt show and see what everyone else has accomplished. I can't wait until I get home to get going!!

Michele said...

The best way is for me to get rid ofsome of the clutter in the sewing room and then to to soak in the tub and read magazines.

Desiree said...

I really enjoy looking at other peoples creations to start getting my ideas flowing :)


Anonymous said...

Well, I make a lot of things to give away as gifts. So I get inspired to create whenever there is a special occasion and I can try to match a fun gift idea to my favorite people!

Thanks for the giveaway!

ktquilts said...

Colors and patterns that I see around me, and my family, are my inspirations. Good chocolate and a fountain diet coke don't hurt either!!!!

Lisa said...

What a great giveaway! I love the sheets :) As for creative inspiration, I love to wander around thrift stores to get my juices flowing - there's nothing like finding ways to give new life to old things to get your creativity going.

Ellen said...

I wander though the fabric store, that always gets my creative juices going. I also follow lots of sewing blogs, which always have me thinking about the next project (or two or three).

Thanks for a generous giveaway!

undeadgoat said...

I'm inspired to create by blogs (of course), but that's totally not going to win second prize, so let me think harder . . . I'm inspired to create by the world around me, by pop culture and vintage embroidery how-tos and by my mom's old cross-stitch magazines. As a knitter I get a little frustrated with the "Not your grandma's" sentiment--a lot of designers who don't look at the past properly end up designing something that's utterly crap. I think the past is vitally important to nay creative endeavor. Now excuse me while I figure out what filler stitch will be most appropriate for embroidering the New Orleans Water Meter, and whether that stitch would also be appropriate for Buffy & Angel 2gether 4ever . . . I really want to do something crazy obscure, like Cretan stitch, but I'm thinking maybe satin would be a little more sane.

Cristina said...

Those vintage sheets are great! I get my crafty inspiration from hopping around to different blogs and seeing what other people are doing.

bethany said...

To get inspired is usually looking at a piece of fabric. I look at it stretch it out and envision what it could be...a dress...a shirt...a skirt for me!?!? I don't know...maybe a new custion for the ottoman...maybe a couple of pillows for the couch. Sometimes I can look at a piece of fabric for a while until the best of the best pops out at me!! Thank you so much for participating in this promotions. I have had such fun looking at all of these blogs. I am new to the blogging thing...WOW, COOL!!! Thanks.

Suwannee Mama said...

Ooh! I love vintage sheets! These would be great for making bibs & burp cloths for babies due to arrive this summer!

Vintage sheets are so soft and cuddly for baby skin!

Pamela S. said...

I would love to win this great giveaway - thanks for your generosity!

Emily said...

My favorite way to get going is by google image searching under the item I might want to make (baby quilt, purple baby dress, thrifted sheet clothes) then look at all the pretty pics and draw up some designs. Or- I go to my thrift store and am inspired by my purchases!

Eve said...

What inspires me is to make a present for someone else.

Vanessa Monet said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
Right now, reading blogs and magazines like Knit1 and whatever I grab when I visit Barnes and Noble get me going. I always end up wanting to do more than I have time to!
I love the Sew, mama, sew blog since they have links to all kinds of other blogs and tutorials. These are great for me since I am new to sewing!
For knitting and crochet...the Purl bee. The Purl beehive is also a great place to find inspiration!

Brittany said...

Something that get's my creativity going... Well, sometimes I'll go online, looking at what everyone else is making, thinking I don't have time to make stuff myself. After a couple hours of inspiration and ideas I realize that if I had spent that time on projects I would have made some progress!

pinecone304 said...

I love to daydream about things that I am going to make.

Anonymous said...

Sweet of you to do this. Please add my name to the drawing.

Joy said...

My favorite way to get inspired is to get up early in the morning before the house wakes up, make a very strong cup of coffee and spread several favorite fabric pieces around and see what plays well together. The way the fabrics come together usually give me an idea of how I want to use them (purse, quilt, whatever). I would totally make a stuffed animal out of your vintage pieces!

Jenny said...

Cleanliness is inspiring!
I think I'm going to win!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Vintage sheets are my new interest!

I look back and realize that creating was always a part of me. When I was 4, I made tote bags out of notebook paper and gave them as Christmas gifts. I'm sure my family members were holding back the laughter at my taped-together gift!

Nowadays I'm inspired by my (growing) fabric stash, blogs I read, my daughters, and that itch in my fingers. Fortunately, I've moved away from notebook paper and on to more sophisticated mediums.

Sorry for the novel! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Unknown said...

I'm inspired by the young children in my life. It's fun making things for them!

Anonymous said...

My fabric is usually my inspiration! :)

Danielle said...

To get my creativity rolling... I love to look at magazines, books, blogs, and any quilty websites. I also pet my fabric stash... hoping the little baby stack turns into something fabulous!

Great giveaway... l Iove anything vintage!

Kelly Blanchard said...

i love these!
i get inspired when i turn on some good music!

JJ said...

Love those fat quarters and the colors are perfect for some summer sewing! I get inspired by the blogs I follow. I keep a list of projects that I see that I like and links and use it to help me when I have time to be crafty...

Anonymous said...

My son and pretty fabric both inspire me to create.

Amy said...

I'm inspired by reading blogs. I also love to sit down and go through my stash!

janet lee said...

i really like to visit nikkishell's wardrobe refashion for sewing ideas! also burdastyle and leafing through sewing magazine! thanks! i think yr giveaway is very sweet!

GranChris said...

I love wesites like quiltinggallery or fatcatpatterns or allpeoplequilt. Sometimes a walk outside in the flowers and trees will do it. You can't beat nature for color.

Louisa said...

I get inspired when I see things in person - craft or quilt shows, guild, working with friends.

Leaha said...

Wow! I've never thought of using vintage sheets ~ I'm a newbie! The internet inspires me!
Thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Cute fabric choices. I was wandering through your blog...I love your furniture recoverings! That is something I've just never been able to do and always wish I could.

What inspires me to create? Well, I usually get the bug when I collect another lot of fabric/supplies (I'm a big fan of freecycle and get stuff for free all the time). Anytime I get something new I want to use it right away.

Miss Prickly said...

I'm most inspired when someone really looks at and notices my work. My cousin and I craft together every month, and when I know that I can share a project with her, it motivates me. Sewing is my attention-getting.

Maggie said...

I'm inspired by fabric and by the things I see on other blogs.

DangAndBlast! said...

Mainly what gets me inspired to create is looking at other people's blogs ... which is why you're in my reader now :)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Perhaps it sounds lame but just waking up in the morning gets me going. Every day is another day absolutely filled with endless possibilities! I'm never bored, never without something to do. There's actually more to do than I'll ever have time to do it; I'm blessed!
I'm excited too - Thistle Cove Farm is in Country Magazine I'm over the moon!

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

The best way to get my creativity flowing is to visit other crafty blogs. I get so inspired by all the amazing talent out there!

Hugs & Blessings!

Super Fun Mama said...

My favorite way to get inspired is reading other blogs!

Emily Gusba said...

Oooh, I love looking through books and blogs and seeing how others have used colour and pattern combinations. It really inspires me!

Genevieve P said...

I like looking at craft blogs. Something always catches my eye and I can't wait to try it myself!
parknj at verizon dot net

Heather M. Hutchinson said...

A lot of things inspire me, coming across new fabric, reading blogs, my new quilting class, and my family/friends. Mostly though it is my family/friends, the motivation to want to make something personal for them. A new blankie for my son, or a hunting blanket for my husband, placemats and matching napkins for my best friends,...etc... It is rewarding to create something with love and then watch them enjoy it and use it and truly appreciate it. That is what inspires me and motivates me. I am always looking for an opprtunity to gift something homemade to friends and family. Thank you for sharing your blog with us and your giveaway. I enjoyed your vintage sheet quilt it is beautiful. Got me thinking of something I could make my best friends. Thanks. Good luck to everyone.
Heather Hutchinson

Misty.Creek said...

I get tons of ideas from the computer but have a hard time getting up and moving to the sewing machine to actually get to work! A deadline gets my going, or finally picking one pattern and then just getting started.

sherri s. said...

Ooh, love vintage sheets! And I'm truly inspired by the talent on the (Oh, and the things I see at the county fair...amazing!) Thanks!

VickiT said...

Oh gosh are those vintage sheets just wonderful! I've often wondered where to locate those. I have a few patterns which call for vintage sheets so I'd love to win this.

My inspiration comes mostly from checking out all the awesome ideas online from so many creative people via their blogs. Then when I see something I can picture how adorable my Granddaughter would be playing with or wearing it and I'm off and running. Spoiling her is such fun because she gets so excited about anything. She's at that adorable age of being almost 2 yrs old.

Ginny said...

I get my creative juices going by browsing crafy blogs now a days!

Unknown said...

OOooo, i love vintage sheets! I usually try to spark up some inspiration by pawing through my stash.

amy smart said...

For me, just looking at pretty fabric gets my juices going. I love those vintage sheets!

Hillary said...

love vintage sheets!!! My favorite way to get creative is to get Happy! And nothing gets me happier than some good chocolate and a little peace and quiet!!! With 4 little girls and a little baby boy I usually have to take whatever I can get... :) by way of quiet and chocolate!

Camille D. Wilson said...

etsy, blogland, and my daughter inspire me to sew!
vintage sheets - so much fun! they have summer sewing all over them!
camilledawnphoto AT gmail DOT com

The Fair Weather Optimist said...

Wow! I have just started using vintage sheets in my projects and I would love, love, love to win this!
I get my creative juices flowing in kinda a weird way. I flip through crafty art books at the library, or magazines, or catalogs and think "why in the world would I want to do their project?! If I was designing a quilt/skirt/something else I would do it totally different than they did (and therefore much better, obviously!). And then quick, before I lose my confidence to (ahem) reality I buy all my materials and get started! LOL!
xoxoxo Jaime

Jess said...

I like to look at blogs to see what other people are doing, I check books out from the library-usually ones I've read about on people's blogs. Otherwise just a good walk clears my mind of all the other junk and I can just think about fabric!!

Jessica Christensen said...

What inspires me to create is just looking at all the raw materials. If I go into a quilt shop or just look through my stash, I get all sorts of ideas. Thanks for a fun giveaway.

Unknown said...

I am inspired by looking through quilting books, I know it's kind of plain and boring. But I can't help but look through them, see an item, think of a person who it could go to, think of colors and fabric that would look great with it. Also nature is very inspiring and other peoples blogs/projects.
Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

First I must tell you that I love that toad stool bench you created! I want one.

My favorite way to be inspired is too visit blogland. Seeing all the wonderful things made by others is so inspiring -- thank you.

alittleteacher at gmail dot com

Adrienne said...

I get inspired by reading creative blogs!

K. Anne said...

my inspiration? i'm CHEAP. lol! i see beautiful things in catalogs and online that i want, but would rather not pay the sticker price for! instead, i lurk garage sales and thrift stores. i find things i like and gussy them up how i want them to be! i also keep my eyes open for clothing that can be recycled. it's amazing what you can do with an ugly wool sweater! ;)

L. jane E. said...

The thing that gets my juices flowing more than anything is actually blog surfing. I find myself making lists of all the things I want to try or ideas that popped into my head while reading. I love it. Unfortunately we're in the middle of a move and I'm dying from lack of a creative outlet! Help!

Anonymous said...

Going thru my collection of books and magazines can get me excited, especially many that I cant keep up with them...need better system to know what i like in which magazine.!

Elizabeth said...

cute, and what a fun idea! and wow, i'm so impressed with your rescue of that footstool.

Tonya said...

Looking through fabrics gets me inspired. You have great vintage sheets

Jamie said...

I've been looking for some vintage sheets-- haven't found anything nearly this great at the thrift shops! I read blogs for inspiration. Rarely do I do a project the way the blog suggests, but it tends to get my mind going in a new direction!

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